Arabic Association for the Studies of Diabetes and Metabolism
Founded on 2006 is an international leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy The global prevalence of different types of diabetes is rising steadily .Until recently type 2 diabetes was typically regarded as a disease of the middle aged and elderly.
Our Activities
Meet our doctors
Board Members
Prof. Abdel Magid Charibi
President of the Maghrabian Society of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition SMEDIAN.
Prof. Anthony Cheung
Professor of Clinical Pathology, Vice Chair of Research Director of biochemical Engineering Research Division U S Davis School of Medicine, California.
Prof. B. Domres
Professor of Surgery, Tubingen University, Germany President of the Berman Association of medicine honorary president of EURAMI, member of the borad- Catastrophe german air rescue. Member of advisory council, German society of tropical medicine.
Successful Years
Professional Speakers
International Conferences
Participated Doctors